Friday, May 2, 2008

How to Select a Good Mutual Fund

Decide what percentage of your money you will allocate to mutual funds. If you'll be investing less than 15,000 to 20,000 Rs/- overall, many investors advise that all of your investments should be in mutual funds.
Determine how many mutual funds you will invest in. Three to five funds is generally considered an adequate amount of diversification.
Decide whether you'll deal directly with the financial Adviser or use a broker.
Diversify the funds you buy in terms of the size of the companies in their portfolios and the businesses that those companies are in.
Choose high-performance funds by using Internet resources and newspapers to pick those funds that have had the best performance over at least the last three years.

Tips & Warnings:

  • Using a discount broker who sells no-load funds without taking a commission makes it easy to switch from one fund to another.

  • A large group of mutual funds does not necessarily provide diversification because the companies whose stocks they hold will overlap.

  • If you don't buy no-load funds whenever you can, you could lose a good deal of your returns - or even your principal - to commissions.

For more details
Contact: Sriram
Phone No: 09986031067
Email Id:

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